Take it outside! The following classes taken in order will allow you to introduce girls to the great outdoors at a pace you all feel comfortable with and supports age-appropriate progression. That means you don’t have to take all the classes at once – spread it out! You can register online here!

  • First Aider Level 1. Successful completion earns a two-year certificate. Needed for all troop activities.
  • Basic Overnights (Online class to get you ready for a backyard sleepover or Encampment)
  • Let’s Camp (for cabin camping with your troop)
  • Let’s have a Campfire! (how to build a fire, do simple stick cooking and campfire activities and songs.)
  • Let’s Cook 1 and 2 (when girls are ready to work with knives, fire and cooking)
  • Let’s Tent (needed for rustic camping)
  • Troop Tripping Workshop — offered approximately four times per year, this course is required for advanced domestic or international trips. Learn the progressive steps to planning and executing travel with your troop, from local field trips to international adventures. Money earning, paperwork requirements, safety and group management, and girl planning are key topics.

Trip and Travel Webinar

This is a terrific resource for any leader who is hoping to guide a troop to begin traveling!
