There are several forms that you’ll see mentioned regularly as you begin to explore and travel with your troop. You’ll find links to them on the San Diego Girl Scout Website and here.

New Fillable and Saveable Forms!

The newest forms are always available on the council website!

Safety Activity Checkpoints

The safety activity checkpoints – one for each type of activity – are on council’s website. Look up just the one you need or browse around, it’s up to you. They’re current, they’re easy to read, and they’re easy to get to. These checkpoints replace the SafetyWise book.

Activity Approval Form

Activity approvals are needed for sleeping, climbing, and water activities, among others. See the form for a list of the activities that require this form. Complete the form, attach the permission slip and roster of who’s attending, and send it to our Activity Consultant for approval. Note: When you fill in the form, be sure to list the trained adults – we can’t approve it without this information!

Activity Approval form 

Permission Form

Our new annual permissions cover troop activities and regular field trips during the year. A trip permission form needs to be signed by the parent of each girl participating in trips that require activity approval.

A copy of the trip permission form (no parent signatures, just the one with the event data) also needs to go to the Activity Consultant with the Activity Approval

Permission Form (fillable pdf)


You are covered by Girl Scout insurance, paid for by your yearly dues, when you are at your meeting site and when you are away from your meeting site and have sent a permission slip out to your parents and the activity consultant. Some events need extra insurance like trips and events that might have unregistered girls or parents attending. Usually your activity consultant will remind you about that but you can look it up on the council website on the insurance page. Here you’ll find a link to the forms that help you order the insurance online at a low daily price from Mutual of Omaha, the girl scout insurance company.

Accident Report

Here’s a form that you should have in your first aid kit! If you ever have an accident during a troop or service unit event that you’re running that might involve a visit to a doctor or dentist or emergency room you should fill out this form. Also if property gets damaged when you’re on Girl Scout property or a vendor’s property that needs to be repaired. I make sure I have one at every event and camp trip I run as well as for regular troop activities. It goes back to Sandy Sultz and helps the girl’s parents get reimbursed for billable medical expenses related to the accident and helps us fix things that are broken.

Accident Report


Anyone driving Girl Scouts on a field trip is required to become a registered member. This risk management step has been put in place to ensure all drivers are aware of the policies and procedures of Girl Scouts, can adhere to the Girl Scout Promise and Law, and are covered under basic insurance in case an accident were to occur when they were participating in a Girl Scout event. They must have car insurance, as their car insurance is their primary liability in case of an accident.

Each driver should complete the Transporting Girl Scouts form. The leader of the activity keeps these on-hand in case of emergency.

Water Activities

Because of where we live, we’re in the water a lot! Here’s some information about how to do water activities within Girl Scouts guidelines:

Backyard pool parties
Open water adventures