There are many pathways to Girl Scouts besides the traditional troop model. Many girls join Girl Scouts to attend the wonderful resident and daycamps put on by the service unit and by San Diego Council.
Many girls enjoy working on badges and patches on their own and by attending events put on by the service unit and through the council and our community partners.
We also offer series of meetings with a special focus, like our American Girl Bookclub or a series about getting ready to go camping. Often at the end of a series we see if the girls who have been involved are interested in forming a troop or group.
We also excited to offer an online pathway especially for Cadettes, Seniors and Ambassadors, so they can discover, connect and take action and work on Journeys with other girls in a virtual troop! We are beginning with a Virtual Senior Journey October 23, 2011. Email Debbie Lechner, if you are interested in trying it!
Three times a year we send out flyers to all the Elementary Schools in Chula Vista and have “Round-Ups” when we talk about Girl Scouts and form traditional troops with the girls who are interested in participating that way. Our next round up is November 15th at Casillas School at 6:30pm.