Sow What

Welcome to Our Virtual Troop!

Thank you for your interest in joining our virtual troop for this Senior Journey called Sow What. Please Register, wait for approval, login and get started! If you, your parents or leaders have questions you can have them email Debbie Lechner, your virtual leader at

The next 7 virtual meetings will be an exciting time of Discovering, Connecting and Taking Action with other Senior virtual friends to complete the Sow What? Senior Journey.

Work at your own pace but try to work on each week’s virtual meeting and complete the assignment along with the rest of the group or on your own.

Within our 7 meetings there will be several optional field trips and I hope you can pick one to explore on your own, with your family, or with another girl scout friend. There will also be recipes to try, discussion board topics and reading assignments in the Sow What? Journey book, which is a requirement for the course. The book is available new at any Girl Scout council store and available new and used online at or at your local library.

The final assignment is to complete the “Take Action Project” that you’ve chosen and to tell us about it in the comments.

Now, please start by telling us a little about yourself and why you want to do this online journey by writing in the comments below, where it says “Reply”.

16 replies on “Welcome to Our Virtual Troop!”

Hello! My name is Isabella Hur, I am a Girl Scout from Houston, Texas- Troop 25001, and am completing this journey as a step to obtain my Gold award. So excited to participate!

Hi, my name is Kalea. I am a Girl Scout Senior from California, and I’m in Troop 60782. I am working on this journey so that I can start to think about my Gold Award. Thank you for letting me be a part of this group!

Hi! I’m Annabella Brisk from troop 1244. I’m from Southern California but attend high school in Minnesota so that I can assist my grandmother with her health. I’ve chosen this journey because I’m swamped and love working at my own pace. I’m thankful to my fantastic leader for finding this journey for my troop and me!

Hi! I am in troop 4490 in Atlanta! The rest of my troop is a grade level above me, so I decided to do a virtual journey since they had all already done theirs.

I am in Troop 4106. I live in Southern California. We are very environmentally friendly here and especially in my house so I am looking forward to this

Hello We are troop 77041 and my name is Mia M and I am from Girl scouts of Greater Los Angeles. And we are so excited to participate in a online journey.

I’m Brenda Fincke, one of the leaders for Troop 310, in Richmond, VA. I am exploring how the troop can work towards their Sow What? journey while social distancing.

I am Krista Haubner and I have been a Girl Scout Leader for 25 years. Since my troop started to meet virtually and we have a bit more time than usual, we decided this would be a great time to earn our Senior Journey before we bridge to Ambassadors. This will be great for my girls that want to earn the Gold Award. We all love food so this was a great choice for us.

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