
Welcome to Our Virtual Troop

Thank you for your interest in joining our virtual troop for this Cadette Journey called MEdia. Please register, wait for approval and then sign in. Click on the title of each meeting post to see the assignment. There will be discussion topics, that you’ll write in the comments box that says “Reply” at the bottom of the page. All of the reading assignments are in the MEdia Journey book, which is a requirement for the course. The book is available new at any Girl Scout council store and available new and used online at or in many local libraries. If you or your parents or troop leader have questions they can contact me, your virtual leader, by emailing Debbie Lechner, at .

Working on these challenges will be an exciting time of Discovering, Connecting and Taking Action with other Cadette virtual friends to complete the MEdia Cadette Journey.

Within 8 sections there will be interesting online assignments and you are welcome to enjoy those on your own, with your family, or with another girl scout friend.

On this journey you have the opportunity to earn three awards, all of which build foundational leadership skills critical to moving up the Girl Scout ladder of leadership and becoming lifelong leaders:

Monitor Award – You complete a few activities that get you to hone in on the role media plays in your life and the lives of people around you and in your community and you create and take a community survey about media use.

Influence Award – You complete a MEdia Remake Project to make media that better represents your reality.

Cultivate Award – You challenge yourself to make a positive change in the way you use media in your life – a change that you cultivate so it grows into a full-fledged inspiration for others.

By taking part in these 8 assignments you will earn the 3 awards and complete the MEdia Journey but there are many more exciting and interesting things you can try in your MEdia booklet. Feel free to read and explore those other activities as we take this journey together.

Now, please tell us a little about yourself and why you are doing this online journey in the comments section below!

13 replies on “Welcome to Our Virtual Troop”

Hello!! Im Adoriam, Im a senior. Im a little late on this journey so I thought I could still do It because I really want to do my Gold award.

Hi, my name is Nyla Moss. I’m a Cadette in troop 40503. I see things in commercials, ads and magazines all the time that tells me what my weight, hair and body shape should look like. Sometimes those things can tear people down, this is a reason why I wanted to do the MEdia journey. I also want to do this journey because this is a step that I have to take to get my Silver award.

Hi! my name is Riley and I’m a Cadette I spend a lot of time on my phone and the internet so it brings a lot of interest to me. I would like to learn more about and the influencers and about the internet.

Hello – I’m Krista Haubner. I have been leading my Senior Troop through the Sow What Journey through the virtual troop and I love the resource. It has saved me tons of time reinventing the wheel and the girls have learned so much. My Cadette troop just decided the want to work on the Media Journey this summer. Since we can’t meet again in person until after July 31st, I thought this would be a prefect time to get started.

Hi I’m Debbie, I’m the virtual leader for this website and right now I’m logged in as a user and I’m testing the comments so I’m sure that they’ll work when you try them! I’m excited to have you join the virtual troop!

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