
Session 6: Steps Toward the Dream

You practice stepping a dream toward reality by writing a Mission Statement and a step-by-step plan for your “adopted dreamer” on the way toward the Dream Maker Award.

First, write a Mission Statement. Refer them to pages 24-25 of the Give It! side, and 59 in the Live It! side of their book for the how and why of the mission statements.

Next, think about the final step you want your “adopted dreamer” to achieve, and write it on one sheet of paper. Once you have that final step in place, work backwards to come up with all the steps necessary to reach that final goal. Remember, the final goal does not have to be full realization of the dream. Each step doesn’t need to be perfectly accurate, or final. It just has to be realistic and represent a step forward.

Refer them to pages 24-25 of the Give It! side, and 59 in the Live It! side of their book for the how and why of the mission statements. Submit your mission statement for review.

12 replies on “Session 6: Steps Toward the Dream”

Mission Statement: “STEM Together” – To achieve my sister’s dream of getting more children, particularly younger girls, involved in STEM so that their aspirations regarding future career options can expand.

Step-By-Step Plan:
1. Research various topics and career choices that incorporate science, technology, engineering, and math.
2. Volunteer and become involved in STEM camps around the community and/or at local elementary schools.
3. Connect with other individuals and Girl Scouts who are teens and are interested in sharing their passion for STEM with kids.
4. Create kid-friendly activities that keep children interested while also teaching STEM topics.
5. Establish a STEM program for children in the community!

Mission Statement is: Vets serving and helping vets: There’s nothing you can’t do.

1. Discuss and outline how to serve other veterans in need.
2. Spend time on literacy items to help vets exercise which can lead to better mental health.
3. Start small and grow it.
4. Identify a small group of vets who need assistance and contact them.
5. Create content with easier exercises they can do anywhere with no equipment.
6. Create a log.

Mission Statement: “Write Your Own Future” – reinvigorate my dreamer’s love of writing, and give her confidence in any level of English class!

1. Review and discuss old assignments and teacher feedback
2. Write! Work on new assignments together, meeting up to ensure progress is made and the writing is improving
3. Submit and get feedback!
4. Work on class assignments until she feels confident with them
5. Create some individual, creative writing pieces, that aren’t tied to school (poems, short stories, the start of a novel)
6. Continue to write and track our writing together, keeping each other accountable to make sure we don’t forget!

Mission statement: make a good life for myself and never forget to do what makes me happy.

1- focus in school and search for my favorite hobbies and things I like doing.

2- decide what schools I want to look at and what I want to study when I am there.

3- make sure I work hard in college but also experience life and make memories.

4- graduate college and get a job that makes me happy but also sets me up for success.

5- work hard at my job and make good money.

6- take time out of my work life to focus on self care and do things that bring me joy.

7- successfully create a happy and successful life for myself.

Mission Statement: Get into Dream College for Engineering
Explore different areas of Engineering in high school classes and Society of Women Engineers.
Network with Engineers. Ask them questions. Be curious.
Research to learn which college programs are best suited for you.
Work with your school counselor to make sure you meet the requirements
Work with Admissions at the college of your dreams to make sure you are eligible
Visit your dream college. Talk to other students.
Intern with an engineer in the summer
Apply to your dream college
Enroll at your dream college
Remember to enjoy the journey.

Mission Statement: Incorporate travel into
A job of your choice

1. Decide which profession you would life to pursue and undergo the proper education

2. Think out of the box and complete undergrad somewhere that you didn’t grow up

3. Pay attention to what you love, if that’s biology then research jobs in that industry. If you love songwriting maybe work towards becoming a touring artist

4. Don’t be afraid to walk through the door. If your dream job is 50000 miles away then take the leap, you can always come back.

5. Never do it if you’re not happy, there is just as much love and joy that can come from your home town without ever having to leave. It’s never too late to settle down

Mission Statement:
To be well prepared to become a Head Wrangler, when of age, by having well developed communication and decision making skills, being organized and participating as an active member of the community.

Our Steps Towards Becoming a Head Wrangler:
1. Define what it means to you to be a good Head Wrangler
2. Learn the necessary skills by shadowing/watching a current Head Wrangler run a weekend
3. Ask Head Wranglers questions on how to handle situations
4. Practice leading a class or group
5. Practice leading a work weekend supervised
6. Take Head Wrangler test using learned skills
7. Become a Head Wrangler

My sister from the age of four wanted to be a gynecologist. Then at the age of eleven she decided to be come a fertility specialist. During her junior year in college, she decided that she wanted to become a marriage and family therapist. She graduated from UTSA in 2018. She obtained her master’s degree in December 2020. She is currently employed at a non-profit working with families that have domestic violence and substance abuse. she is gaining valuable knowledge to apply when she opens her home. I can assist her in researching the different regulations and procedures to become a licensed facilty/home. Our family has rental property and she will use one of them as the building for her home/facility.

Mission Statement “Give It”:
To be the best role model for the younger scouts in my troop. To be available, helpful, offer advice and direction to younger generation of scouts.
Implement “Live It”:
1. Be Present: show the girls that I am involved, let the girls get to know me
2. Help: offer help to all the troop leaders, not just my own group
3. Listen: Give each girl the same time and attention I would to my friends
4. Respond: give honest advice when it’s asked for, not just what they want to hear
5. Care: simply be there for them, be someone they know and be someone they trust

The dream M Girl Scout leader had was to become an economics teacher but life had other plans in store for her. Instead, she got an internship for JCPennys main corp in NYC Manhatten and later became a flight attendant for US international airlines for almost 28 years, then later became an independent costume designer for many schools in Houston Texas! Although she is retired right now and cant become an economics teacher anymore, we still made a good step process on how she could have achieved it :

1. Go to a community college to earn a degree in economics
2. stay committed in college and work hard to achieve your goal
3. Graduate with a degree in Economics
4. Find a school teacher jo that is looking for an economics teacher
5. Take the job and ” BOOM” your done 🙂

This is the mission statement we came up with:
My grandmother’s dream is to write a memoir describing her life as a Chinese immigrant to the United States and publish it so others can read and by inspired by her story which is full of hardships and perseverance.

Steps to Achieving My “Adopted Dream”:
1. Research on how to publish a book.
2. Try to finish writing one chapter of the memoir per week.
3. Send a new chapter to the proofreader once a week.
4. Contact printing company or publisher.
5. Finish memoir and print a physical copy!

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