
Session 5: Fashion Some Passion

You gain an understanding of how passion and interests drive your dreams. Complete Passion Statement assignment then you pick a dream to “adopt” on your way to your award.

It’s decision time!! Remember that you can adopt a dreamer as an individual or as a team. (Refer to pages 16-23 of the Give it! side of the Journey book.)

Once you have chosen a dreamer, you’ll need to approach the dreamer for permission to assist her. Here are some tips:

  1. Be direct and gracious: Let your prospective dreamer know how much you’d appreciate it if she could give up some of her time to help you.
  2. Provide facts: Tell her about the Girl Scouts and its mission. Explain what this leadership journey is all about–giving values to your dreams and supporting the dreams of others.
  3. Share your story: Tell her what the Girl Scouts means to you, and what it has done for you. Let her know this project gives you the experience thinking about others, making achievable plans, and reaching for the stars.
  4. Outline expectations: Let her know exactly what might be required of her, and how much time it will take.
  5. Be direct, and gracious, again: If she says yes, thank her! If she says no, let her know you understand, and thank her for her time. You might even ask if she knows of another dreamer who might find your project exciting.

How did it go? Share what happened in the comments below!

12 replies on “Session 5: Fashion Some Passion”

I talked with my older sister about this project, and she agreed to help me on this journey! She is only a year and a half older than me, so we have been very close my entire life, but she started college last year, which has had an impact on her dreams and aspirations. While talking with her, she explained which of her dreams had changed and why. She also talked about how going through big changes in life (like going to college and being exposed to a completely different environment) has impacted how she now views the future. She is excited about helping me throughout this journey, and we can’t wait to work on it together!

I interviewed my Mom. I found out that she was very pationate about being fit and exercising and giving back to military veterans (she’s an Army vet). So being able to hear more about her experience and her passions was uplifting and inspiring. It makes me want to pursue my podcast even more to create content to help others and to help veterans also.

I interviewed a girl at my school who I know through a friend. She was a freshman at the time, and I talked to her about her struggles in English class. She said she had been really struggling in the class since she came into high school, even though she has always loved writing. She told me that she hoped to make the jump to “high-school-level” essay writing and reinvigorate her love for the subject at the same time, as she had became disheartened by bad grades on her first couple of essays. Overall, I think the conversation went well and I offered her some good advice and reassurance at the end, as well as listening, which is what I think she really needed in the moment.

I interviewed my mother because even though we live together there is still a lot I don’t know about her. We spent an hour talking about her childhood and her high school experiences, for example, we talked about how she was the president of her high school sewing team.

I decided to interview my sister because even tho we see each other every day, I feel like there is still a lot I don’t know about her. This interview was so fun to do and we both learner a good amount about each other. Even thought me and my sister can fight a lot, I realize that she is an extremely kind person. She has so many aspirations and it was so interesting hearing all about them. I got to hear all about her hobbies and interest and I actually learned a lot about her!

This year I restarted Society of Women Engineers at our school. I took the time during one of our first meetings to ask each member about their dreams and goals. It was cool to hear everyone’s dreams. I also shared my experience with Girl Scouts and my plans to make an impact in my community. I also spoke with the previous leader of Society of Women Engineers at our school and she shared her dreams. She has accomplished some of them already. It is exciting to hear the dreams of girls my age and someone older that has already accomplished some of her dreams.

This was a super cool assignment to complete. I interviewed my Aunt and asked her about her dreams and she opened up to me about things that I would have never known about unless I took these 2 hours to talk to her. She’s lived a long full life and has made sure to try and accomplish as many of her dreams as possible, anywhere from skydiving in Thailand to travel business startups.

I decided to approach a girl who volunteers at the same barn as I do, as she’s often shared one of her dreams with me. At our barn there are different positions and some of them have age and experience requirements, one of which is the Head Wrangler position. I am already a Head Wrangler and have been for a year or two, this position is our equivalent of a manager position and requires many skills. She has previously shared with me that she wants to be a Head Wrangler when she is old enough and I’ve tried to guide her in the right direction which is why I thought she would be the perfect candidate to be my adopted dreamer. Thankfully she is also already a Girl Scout and looking to pursue her Gold Award in the future so she already had some good knowledge of the process of completing journeys. We discussed how this take action project would help not only her and myself as individuals but also the barn community we are a part of. She seemed eager to get the ball rolling on this project and we discussed some basics of what the next steps would be. We even briefly talked about ideas for our plan to get her ready for that position and tossed around ideas for the best ways for her to learn. She seemed to have a very realistic understanding of the amount of time and work it takes to become a head wrangler but even still we discussed that and the commitment that comes with the position. Overall our discussion went better than I could have imagined and I was so happy to have found my dream to adopt and couldn’t wait to see her progress through the steps.

I interviewed my older sister. It went extremely well! She has an under graduate degree in psychology and a master’s degree in marriage and family therapy. She would like to one day have a home to counsel youth with mental and emotional problems. Also, assist with family problems. This was exciting because our family is givers and love to help others.

I approached a younger girl scout in my troop, she is a cadette. Since she is already a girl scout we spoke about my Gold Award Journey and the things I did to accomplish my goal of earning the honor. It’s her dream to earn her Silver Award in the next couple of years, then move to her Gold. I also told her about my experience working towards my Silver and Gold Award. We spoke ideas she has for her Silver Award and how she can become involved more in our community. I told her about the time it took to earn both Awards and the difference in the expectations. I explained all the hard work that is needed to achieve this dream but that it’s possible if you put your mind to it and stay focused. I also offered to be apart of her team whenever she is ready to begin her work. She seemed very excited to get started.

It went perfectly as planned plus I recorded the whole thing So I can make a video about it later, but it really did touch me. The person I interviewed was my Girl Scout leader for 10 years and we had a good 20-30 minute conversation, but it really opened my eyes to see that everything doesn’t really go as you plan, and that’s alright. I just recently gained a lot more respect for her because she was so transparent with me when she didn’t have to be and I commend her for that.

It went very well! I approached my grandmother about her dream to write a memoir full of stories from her childhood as an immigrant from China. She agreed to let me help her as English is her second language and she needed someone to proofread it. She was very excited to have my support in her project and my motivation as a Girl Scout.

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