
Session 4: Dream Catchers

You probe further into dreams and achieving dreams. You team up for an art project intended to inspire others, another step toward your award.

Complete Random Acts of Inspiration assignment: Sometimes, we all need some inspiration to fire up our dreams. What could you do to inspire others? Leave notes in your neighborhood while you go for a walk. Maybe you use sidewalk chalk to leave messages for other people outwalking? Or write notes on small stones? Or perhaps leave postcards in protected places or mail them to people you know? Whatever you do, think about these as small gifts of inspiration for your neighbors. Some ideas for things to write: “Your future is only limited by your imagination”; “How is your dream coming along?”; “What have you done for your dreams lately?”; “Got Dreams?” These are just examples, now go leave some inspiration for folks!

Share your thoughts and what you’re doing in the comments below.

14 replies on “Session 4: Dream Catchers”

While I couldn’t find this assignment in my book, I still completed the project because I felt like it would be beneficial to others around my neighborhood, brightening their day. What I chose to do for this assignment was to decorate and write inspirational phrases on small rocks and then place them around my neighborhood. During the school year, an activity held in school was decorating rocks for mental health month, and I had so much fun doing this activity that I decided to do something similar for the assignment, spreading color and inspiration into the lives of those around me.

Same here. The assignment wasn’t in my book either. However, I have rocks that I gave been painting to give to friends to encourage them. I’m also a camp counselor this summer and we have a culture or positivity. So, we’re always doing things to encourage each other and lend a helping hand to each other throughout the day.

This assignment wasn’t in my book, as other commenters have noticed, but it seems like it was centered around inspiring and uplifting others in their daily lives. I decided to do this assignment at my work. I work as a camp counselor, and all the counselors have clipboards for their various camps with the camp rosters on them. Since my camp starts earliest in the morning (I get to work at 7:45ish) I secretly wrote little messages of encouragement and appreciation on each clipboard, even if I didn’t know the counselor very well.

I could not find this activity in my book, but during school, If I saw one of my friends being down I would talk to them and try to cheer them up so that they didn’t feel sad their entire school day.

School is definitely not one of my favorite places, and I feel like this goes for a lot of other students as well. When I am at school I am normally stressed and anxious about all of my assignments, tests, drama and many other things. Although school can be hard, it really helps me when my friends ask how I’m feeling and take time to listen to me. I have realized that not many people take time out of their day to focus on others and stop worrying about themselves and their problems, this is what prompted me to make sure I ask almost everyone I talk to how they are feeling and let them know I am grateful for them. This almost always brings a smile to my friend faces and it makes me feel like I did something to make someone’s day a little better.

I as well could not find this activity in my book, but I have noticed lately that a teammate has been feeling down, and unlike herself, so my goal is to drop little compliments or statements to cheer her up. She feels as though she is not good enough, and like she can’t get better, so I want to encourage her to believe she can get better and build her self-confidence.

I am part of ASB at my high school. The work is fun because we get to plan events and activities for school but the teacher is not. Many students in the class are discouraged because of the teacher’s attitude. I try to focus on the fun part of our work and encourage others. I am often asked to lead a project and I try to make it as fun as possible by playing music, telling stories and sharing our favorite quotes and inspiration. I have also made it a point to talk to the teacher everyday in class. I simply say hello when I enter and thank you when I leave. I can tell that the teacher appreciates it.

I can see that if I have a positive attitude that it can also inspire others. I hope to inspire others in future situations, not just in ASB.

For my project instead of going into a tunnel vision mindset while going to practice I chose to look up and connected with the people who are so supportive of me. This not only led to a surge of energy within the rink but also brought my mood up!

In the last year I switched to a new school and was very lucky to make friends quickly and integrate myself in the community. One thing I have always been passionate about is student government and helping to better represent the needs of the student body. Recently we had our elections for officers for the next coming school year. At this school the election season is notorious for being a grueling process. As someone who’s experienced in this field I was feeling good going into the process. But I noticed many students running in multitudes of positions who had great potential and ideas but seemed worried about the process. Many of them were students who I had very few interactions with previous to elections. Since I had knowledge and little bit of experience, my random act of kindness was checking in on these students regularly and trying to help give them advise on best practices and working to talk to others. Many of them were planning to abandon their candidacy for fear of their potential. I always sent encouraging messages and as long as I still saw their passion for the work I continued to encourage them to fight for what they wanted. It was incredibly rewarding for many reasons one being seeing their reactions to their own successes. Speeches that they were scared to give, election results they were scared to look at, I made sure to check in on them regularly and be there for them whenever I thought they would need it. Now I get to work with some pretty amazing people and can’t wait to continue to support them throughout their hold of office!

When we first came to school I had a lot of anxiety. It was hard for me because I had to get used to the new flow of things. It was very hard for me because it was something I was no longer used too due to the pandemic. Since I was feeling like this I knew I wasn’t the only person that felt this way. I made a point to at least give at least one person a compliment a day.

We had a recent Art Show at my High School this week and I went to every station of the individual artists and gave them compliments on their work. It took me two visits (two different days) to the Art Gallery to make sure I spoke with each Artist. I would comment about the colors they chose, the subject in their portraits or even questions to engage a conversation. I could tell most of the artists really appreciated the comments about their hard work. There are some talented young artists at my school. Most with a natural ability to see beauty in the smallest detail. It was inspirational to me to hear some of there dreams of becoming artists or designers one day.

I could not find this assignment in my book, but today during cross country practiced, I noticed some of my teammates having a rough practice, so I went gave them high fives. This immediately caused them to smile. My coach always says “a little act of kindness can go a long way and make someone’s day”.

For my project, it’s something I usually do but I just text all, my friends, individually ” I’m glad you’re in my life” or ” Your awesome” and just leave it be. Nothing behind it, just telling them a simple compliment. And their reactions are so funny too because they think I want something from them when really I’m just giving them a compliment and that really says somthing.

I really enjoyed this project since we all need some inspiration for our dreams especially during the pandemic. I decided to leave notes around my neighborhood in the park and on mail boxes in order to inspire people around me. I wrote motivational quotes centered around dreams such as, “You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream, “The surest way to make your dreams come true is to live them”, “Dreams don’t work unless you take action”, and “What have you done for your dreams lately?”.

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