
Session 2: More Women, More Dreams

You will gain a greater understanding of the diversity of dreams and dreamers. We will discuss dreams with guests dreamers, and team up on an art project. We will also start to select women to interview on our way toward the Dream Maker Award.

  1. Read the following in your girl book: Chapter 1 in the Live It! side & Chapter 1 in the Give It! side
  2. Complete More Wildest Dreams! Assignment
  3. Complete A Dream Come True! Assignment

The support we receive for our dreams is sometimes the determining factor in whether we achieve our dreams. When was the last time you encouraged a dream or had a dream of yours encouraged? Think of all the women and girls in your life who may have dreams–women you see every day, even if you may not know them well: female relatives, neighbors, teachers, and women you’ve chatted with at a dog park, a server at the juice bar, a librarian. Wouldn’t it be interesting to hear the deepest, wildest dreams of lots of others girls and women?

1. You are to ask two women and/or girls you know to share their greatest, wildest, or craziest dream with you. Please post your answers to this forum as a discussion. Make sure to include if the dreamer is a girl or an adult (age is optional).

2. Reply on two other discussions that are posted. Answer these questions for that discussion: What surprised you most about the dreams mentioned? What do you think about the range of the dreams mentioned? How similar or different were they? Is their a dream you heard that makes you think of new possibilities for yourself?

    38 replies on “Session 2: More Women, More Dreams”

    For this session assignment, I asked both a girl and an adult for their craziest dreams. First, I asked my mom what her wildest dream she wanted to achieve was, and she said that she would love to travel the world, even more than she already has. I also asked my older sister, who is in college right now, and she said that her biggest dream is to become a part of the FBI.

    My Mom always loved technology and helping people. She thought she would be a computer instructor. She has a degree in computer science and manages three teams. Although she is not an instructor, she mentors analysts at work. My cousin always wanted to be a NICU nurse from when she was a little girl. She loves babies and helping people. She fulfilled the dream of being a nurse, but she works in ICU instead of NICU.

    In my opinion, these dreams are pretty similar because they both talk about career goals! I like that their dreams are based on who they are as a person and what they care about, and I also love that they were able to achieve their dreams!

    My sister’s wildest dream is to be able to do whatever she wants/have complete independence-but I’m not sure that would be a great idea haha.
    My friend’s wildest dream is to go to the Olympics-she is super motivated and always pushes herself to be better in our sport so I think it could be possible!

    Hi Selah – Those are definitely two different dreams, but with hard work and determination, they both can achieve it. The goal of having complete independence could lead your sister to owning her own business one day.

    My mother said her dream was to get married and have children, which she accomplished. My grandmother said her greatest dream is that her children and grandchildren live joy-filled lives. My sister said her biggest dreams were to be a New York Times Bestselling Author and to be in a Broadway musical.

    I asked my mom what her greatest dream is and she said that it would be to swim the English Channel, I then asked my best friend what her greatest dream is and she said that it is to become a NICU Nurse and help babies in the NICU department.

    It surprised me that your mom wanted to swim the English Channel, because I don’t feel like a lot of women who are older and/or already have kids stay competitive athletically, so I think its super cool that your mom still aspires to that and thinks that she might be capable of it!

    I asked my mom what her wildest dream was and she said that is to see both of her children go through life together and be happy and successful. Second, I asked my sister what her wildest dream was and she said that it is to travel to all seven continents and see the world. This was very interesting to be because although these dreams are different, that doesn’t mean either is more important or valid than the other, everyone can have their own dreams and they can be however big or small as you like.

    I like that these dreams are different from one another because they show how our priorities and values in life can change over time! Your mother’s dream makes me think of new possibilities for myself because while it is good it have dreams about my work life, it is just as important to have dreams of my personal life!

    I first asked my grandma what her dreams were, and she said she just wanted to watch her grandkids grow up and for her family to stay healthy. I then asked my friend, and she said she wanted to be a pediatrician, start a family with kids and a dog, and own a pink Porsche and a mansion. Both of them dreamed of a healthy happy family, while my friend dreamed of a fancy house and car, my grandma has already had a house a cars. This was interesting to see how as you grow up different things become more valuable or more of a goal, while others, like family, stay important throughout.

    I met with the Director of Public Works for the City I live in. She’s a Civil Engineer and she leads all of the Departments of our City. She never imagined being in such a leadership role but says she loves her job! She manages a lot of people, a lot of projects and is responsible for a lot of money. She once dreamed of being a Dentist but is happy she decided to be an engineer. Meeting with her and learning about her past and experience, makes me realize that this can come true for me as well. I was excited to listen to her story and realized it can apply to me as well. We have a lot of similarities.

    Next I met with another female engineer. She is a computer science engineer and also has her MBA. She manages engineering teams for a defense company. Her ultimate dream was to be a mom and she is a mom to two kids. She considers this her dream. I see her as an amazing mom and a boss! Also, she was a first generation college student. She is very impressive. She started college and then got her first engineering job. Then her job paid for her MBA. I like the option of this plan and may consider this as well.

    I love that what she dreamed was something totally different from what she decided to do. Often we think we are stuck with a decision and that isn’t always true.

    I was surprised that they had both started out with dreams different from their jobs. However, it helps me realize that you can still be happy even if you don’t follow your initial dreams. It also helps me realize that you can have a job you love and follow your dreams. I can have a job I love and still pursue my dreams. A good job you love can even help you make the money you need to achieve your dreams! The dreams are different because one is glad she didn’t follow her dream while the other achieved her dream.

    I asked my grandmother what her biggest dream was and she responded “to own a farm that supplies food to underprivileged kids”. I also asked my friend and she responded, “To live in an island with no worries”. I found these two responses interesting because they highlighted the differences in people’s dreams who I consider similar, two strong educationally driven women who love the outdoors.

    It’s interesting that one’s dream is to work to help others while the other’s dream is to relax with no worries. This doesn’t necessarily mean that one dream is better than the other, but it shows the difference in goals between different kinds of people. Some people love to work and help others while some enjoy relaxing and taking care of themselves. The dreams are similar, though, because they both relate to living in a preferred location. Some people prefer the countryside while others prefer the beach.

    I spoke with a girl scout, who is slightly younger than me, that I volunteer with at GSLE’s Camp Marydale Barn. She shared with me that her greatest dream is to one day train a horse that goes on to compete in or win the National Finals Rodeo! I think this is a great goal for her and something that she actively pursues every day when she volunteers with horses at our barn.

    The second girl I spoke with is my bestfriend of many years and a former girl scout who stated her biggest dream is to travel to Bora Bora. She is incredibly well traveled and loves to explore new places and cultures so I loved hearing her goals for future travels.

    I asked my 8 year old sister about her wildest dream. She said it was to get rich from her snow cone business! And as silly as it sounds, she’ll probably do it! I also asked my mom — she said it was to have enough money in the bank that should could spend all of her time with the people she loves. I think that’s a great dream!

    I found it very interesting that both dreams had similar underlying goals. Although they may each want financial stability for different reasons they each had a goal financially. I found it really interesting to be able to see even with these two examples how our goals change as we grow older and how their motivations may change!

    What surprised me about this dream is that your sisters dream because some people’s reality- we just so rarely think to pursue it. I liked how both of your dreams incorporate financial awareness and revolve around things that people love.

    I asked my mom what her wildest dream was. She said it is to become a lawyer. At the time she had children so she needed to find good paying job and law school was out of the question. She still hopes to be able to go to law school and become a lawyer.
    I also asked my sister what her wildest dream was. She said that she wanted to own her own business in private practice therapy. She is working to her goal as we speak. She has graduated with her master degree and now has a job dealing with domestic violence patience’s.

    Wow, what a truly inspiring family! I loved to see the varying degrees of which each individual has been able to pursue their dreams. It is clear that each of them is on a great path to their goals they are just on different steps along the way!

    I asked my mom what her wildest/craziest dream was – she said to retire to Florida and work at Universal Studios as Professor McGonagall. But in all seriousness just to see her kids happy and living life to the fullest is her dream. I also spoke with a younger girl scout about her dream, she said to be an “animal doctor” – she’s 6 – when she gets older. I realized that as young children we dream of a future for ourselves but as a parent, dreams change – not about our own dreams but to those that are most important to us. I don’t really think of new possibilities for myself, I just see my dreams changing as I get older. I wanted to be a veterinarian too when I was six. Now, my dream is graduate with honors, support my community and be a role model for other girls in my troop. My dreams are more focused on the present and not the future.

    I never thought about spending my retirement in universal studios. I think is most defiantly gives me something to think about for the future. I also thinks its very clever.

    I’m surprised my sister didn’t say veterinarian too! Ashlyn, it’s interesting you said your dreams are more about the present. Seems like that’s the “journey” to the destination. I like it.

    I asked my chemistry teacher who is also my school’s principal, she told me that her wildest dream is to live long enough to watch her students succeed in life and reach their goals. This is such a teacher thing to say!
    I also asked one of my friends from school and she wants to surf in Hawaii at some point during her life.

    I think its super interesting how these two people’s dreams are super different, and I often see this mirrored in my own life-those who are older often end up having dreams more focused around other’s happiness, whereas younger people tend to focus more on themselves.

    I talked to my sister what her wildest dream is and she said to be 120 years old one day. I think the main reason she said this is because it was mentioned in the bible that you can live 120 years old. I don’t know why that’s her only goal at the moment but I won’t judge. What I do know is that my sister likes to see everything at a glance, it’s something that fulfills her, or maybe she is just scared to die and wants to use up all the life she has now, who knows. But at least she has a goal.

    Your sister’s response made me giggle. But now reflecting on it, that seems like a pretty fantastic goal. Imagine all that you could do with your life if you had 120 years to live…

    I honestly think that a really cool and s pretty surprising dream to be honest. That most definitely not at the top of the list for most people.

    I asked my sister what her wildest dream is and she said to be 120 years old one day. I think the main reason she said this is because it was mentioned in the bible that you can live 120 years old. I don’t know why that’s her only goal at the moment but I won’t judge. What I do know is that my sister likes to see everything at a glance, it’s something that fulfills her, or maybe she is just scared to die and wants to use up all the life she has now, who knows. But at least she has a goal.

    I asked one girl what her wildest dream is and she said to become a marine biologist. I also asked the same question to an adult and she said her greatest dream is to travel the world.

    I find it pretty accurate for a younger person, who still has their whole life ahead of them to choose a more career based goal, while an adult has a more “out of the box” goal.

    Yes – I found this to be true as well! My mom joking said she wanted to work at Universal in Orlando. I know she is somewhat joking but I could see her doing that if she had the chance.

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