
Session 1: Dreaming Along the Road to Bliss

You will explore dreams and how they can shape a life story. You state your wildest dreams and then discuss needs, dreams, and various types of dreams. You will also take time to plan your journey.

  1. Read the following in your girl book: “Wanted: Dream Seekers” and “Your Ticket to Dreamland” (pages 4-7) in the Live It! Side & Dream Maker Award information (pages 3-6) in the Give It! Side

2. Take some time to write down some of
your greatest, wildest, or most
outlandish dreams! If you have other
Ambassador friends, you might get
together on a group phone or webcam
call and take turns sharing some of
these dreams.
*Considering that the theme
for this Journey is dreams and how to
achieve them, reflect on the dreams
you wrote down or that your friends
shared. Are they achievable? Was it
hard to think of dreams?

Introduce yourself in the comments and then state your greatest, wildest, or craziest dream. Also, share with us whether you believe or don’t believe that you can achieve it.

23 replies on “Session 1: Dreaming Along the Road to Bliss”

Hi! My name is Amaris Cardenas and I am from Troop 15014 in CA. My wildest dream is to become an architect and be able to build and design my dream home! I would like to pursue a degree in architecture and I believe that it is possible to achieve if I am able to get into a good college!

Hi, I’m Lindsey from troop 2916 in SC. I love numbers and accounting, but I’m also an Arts kid and love theater, musicals, and poetry. I’ve written a poem that was published in my school’s art magazine. I have so many dreams of things I would love to accomplish. Currently, I’m very interested in creating a podcast and deliver content that will help teens. This is attainable through education about how to record it and being consistent with the content I create. This will also help me with project managemnt and organization skills.

Hi, I’m Selah, a rising senior from the Bay Area! My wildest dream is to be able to grow my own produce (fruits and veggies, mainly) when I’m older! I’ve always wanted to live in a rural area to get away from the hustle of modern life–and I really like the idea of relying on myself and my own hard work to get by. I think that this is attainable as long as I remember my priorities and make sure I am financially stable before I try to provide for myself!

Hi, I’m Sofia, and I’m a rising junior from Maryland! My greatest dream is to become an author and publish my first book. One of my wildest dreams is to become a world-famous author one day with a movie franchise for my greatest books. Another one of my wildest dreams is to travel across the world, mainly Europe. I want to go to France, Belgium, Greece, Germany, England, Scotland, Brazil, and so many more places! I think my dreams are achievable if I work long and hard at them. Unfortunately, actually writing a book is a LOT harder than it seems!

Hi, my name is Skylar, and I am from Virginia! One of my greatest dreams as of right now is to attend a good college and major in a type of Engineering. Another one of my wildest dreams is to travel the world when I grow up. These dreams are achievable as long as I work hard and continue to believe in myself!

Hello, my name is Taylor and I currently live in Texas. And my wildest dream is to see all of the world’s wonders. I have already seen the Eiffel Tower and the Colosseum, and I can’t wait to see more!!

Hi, I’m Daphne Parkey! I’m an Ambassador in Troop 25001 from Houston, TX. There are so many things I would like to do, but at the moment some my dreams include working on a A24 film and having a short story published in the New Yorker or the Kenyon Review! I also think it would be really cool to live abroad for a while and become a Registered Nurse. I think that all my dreams are attainable as long as I remember to persevere!

Hi my name is Lara Forbes and I am a sophomore in Virginia and I am in troop 4002. I am doing Bliss in order to meet my journey requirements so I can begin my Gold Award! My wildest dream is to attend UNC Chapel Hill or University of Georgia. I would love to study finance or anthropology. I know those are two totally different areas of interest, but I figure I still have time to figure it out. 🙂

Hi my name is Lelah Forbes and I am in Troop 4002 in Virginia. My wildest dream is to get accepted into UVA and study Environmental Science. I would eventually love to get a Masters degree in Marine Science. I also play field hockey and am considering playing in college but that might be a lot! We shall see. I am doing this Journey in order to begin my steps toward my Gold Award. This so much

My name is Marta, and I am currently a high school junior. My wildest dream is to become a pediatrician, start a family, own a bakery and travel the world. I hope that one day I will accomplish all of these dreams, but for now my dream is to get into a good college and find a job through which I can help people in my community.

Hi everyone! My name is Adeline and I am from California. I live in a desert area that is full of aerospace and technology. I am excited about life and I have a lot of dreams for my future. I am creative but also math oriented. I don’t know the exact career I want but I know I want to design something with maximum impact. I am a go-getter and I know I will figure this out, although I do not know all of the details right now. My ultimate goal is to be happy. For me, this means having a meaningful job that also allows me to enjoy life.

Hello there! My name is Isabella Hur and I am currently from Texas. I have many dreams and aspirations but my wildest dream would be to live in 4 countries in 40 years. I want to spend time working on the Great Barrier Reef in Australia and help find cures for diseases using mushrooms in France. Definitely dreams but hopefully some day obtainable!

Hey there! My name is Mackenzie and I am from Louisiana. Most of my life I’ve had a very specific plan or dream in mind but as I approach the time to pursue it I’ve noticed my specific dream tends to waiver. But one goal has remained the same my entire life, so my biggest/wildest dream is to make a lasting positive impact on the world. Although I may not know exactly how I want to achieve this goal just yet I know I will find a way!

Hi, I’m Maggie from Nebraska. One of my wildest dreams that I’m working to realize is becoming an FBI Agent. In the summer of 2021 & 2022 I attended the FBI Teen Academy and it was a great experience. I realized I can work toward this goal and achieve it.

Hi!! My name is Kylie and I’m from Connecticut. I’m one of two girls left in my ambassador level troop. My wildest dream has to be becoming an Imagineer for Disney (they’re the engineers who design the attractions and parks). I’m really interested in engineering and I’m already on my high schools robotics team. It would take a long time to achieve, but with hard work I think I could make this goal a reality!

My name is Reyna Maura I am a ambassador from Houston Texas. One of my wildest dreams is to become a automotive engineer. I love to work with my hands and help people. I recently found my passion for engineering when I watch a car show and they starting building cars. My number one school is prairie view university. My dream is to get into their actual engineering school.

Hello. I’m Ashlyn from North Carolina. I’m glad I found this online troop, I am one of only two Ambassadors in my multilevel troop and I wanted to find a way to complete a journey. I’m not sure what my “dream” job is right now I suppose I just dream of continuing to learn and grow as a person. I plan to go to a community college after high school, then possibly to a university once I decide what my dream is for my future. I do want to travel – I dream of going to the Grand Canyon and possibly Ireland or England one day.

Hi I am Maggie from Delaware, my wildest dream is to be an architect and work at Disney World. I’ve grown up going to Disney World on vacations and watching Disney movies, and I love the sense of childishness and joy that are in the parks. In a more practical aspect, I want to pursue a degree in architecture or engineering and I like math and science.

Hello!! My name is Adoriam from Texas and one of my wildest dreams is to become an Agricultural manager and also Major in either a Herpetologist or an Ichthyologist. I’ve always loved animals but it’s my dream to work with exotic animals. I also want to maybe get into real estate and build houses one day. I don’t have it all set out yet but I’m working on it.

Hi! I am Demiana from troop 140027 in Texas. My wildest dream is to be like Mother Teresa. Yes I know it’s hard especially with how busy life is getting every day and the emphasis society puts on your social and financial status, but I do believe it’s possible if I take it step at a time and look for opportunities to help around me whenever I can and pray to become a better person.
Also I was wondering if the book is mandatory for this journey or can I just complete the activities in this pdf
Thank you!

Hi! My name is Deanna Wood and I am part of a troop in California. My wildest dream is to get into an IV Leauge school for university. I believe that I can achieve it if I work hard enough and persevere.

Hi Deanna, I went to Cornell University, one of the Ivy League schools in Ithaca NY. It was a wonderful experience and I loved my classes and professors. Look around at lots of colleges and see what they offer. If you have a chance to visit and sit in on a class, eat in the dining hall, visit the library…I think that helps you to get a sense of whether or not it’s the place for you. Work hard, get good grades and do a meaningful leadership project for your gold award. Colleges are looking for students who bring more than just good grades. They’re looking for students who have a passion and excitement about pursuing a goal. I think your well on your way.

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