
Monitor Award Activity – Understand Stereotypes and How Ads Use Them and Create Them

Stereotype Search:  Read page 46. A stereotype is a mistaken idea or belief many people have about a thing or group that is based upon how they look on the outside, which may be untrue or only partly true. Stereotyping people is a type of prejudice because what is on the outside is a small part of who a person is. Find a photo or website with a picture of a woman that represents a stereotype about women. Share the photo or link in the comments and tell us about the stereotype and how it makes you feel. What do you think the stereotype about women is in the catsup ad below?

48 replies on “Monitor Award Activity – Understand Stereotypes and How Ads Use Them and Create Them”

this is the image I found:
It represents the stereotype that women who have certain masculine attributes are “trying to be a man” and therefore are “a waste of a woman”. I think the reason that this stereotype makes me so annoyed is that it completely ignores the fact that everyone has to behave in a stereotypically “masculine” way just to get through their day-to-day life. The women in the pictures who are supposed to be “real women” aren’t, like, doing anything – they are just sitting around and looking pretty. In real life, women have to work, and work hard. Even women performing traditional feminine roles (such as being a stay-at-home mother) perform a lot of physically demanding tasks each day.

In the photo, they’ve shown the boy to be strong and the girl to be a princess, portraying her to be weaker. They’ve used the stereotypical blue background for the boy and pink for the girl. I don’t like this portrayal because I am not girly or like the color pink. I prefer the color green and it is also stereotypical for boys. When children grow up seeing only stereotypical ads, it can cause them to think they are weird if they don’t fit that stereotype. This is harmful because this can affect children’s self esteem negatively.

So many ads for office products/workspaces are all men. This is contributing to the stereotype that men are the ones that should be working. This is furthered by all the ads of women cooking, cleaning, and caring for kids. Gender stereotypes by any media, especially advertising are so tiring. This advertisement stereotypes women in a way that makes it seem like women should only cook and clean. The ad only used women and not person or people. This ad insinuated that only women should clean. This makes girls feel less than and like their only jobs are to cook, clean, and take care of men and children.

I saw a photo of a women cooking in the kitchen, showing how women “belong in the kitchen” while the father goes and hangs out with there kid and goes to work.

The ad I found was about how women look cuter the harder they work. It makes me very upset at how women used to only be thought to be good for domestic work and other than that were only meant to look pretty. Women are a lot more than that and we aren’t just there to look pretty and do housework.

From Audio One: message So Simple Even your wife can turn on the DVD. This means that they think that women are not smart enough to figure it out themselves, so they made the DVD even easier.

My ad is an old poster ad for the Van Heusen ties. The ad shows a man relaxing on the bed with his hand behind his head and a bed table with food on it. Next to him, is a women kneeling and taking care of the man. The ad says “Show her it’s a man’s world.”

My example is a Mr. Clean ad that says “This Mother’s Day, Get Back to the Job That Really Matters” with a picture of a women cleaning. This implies that women are only useful for housework.

i saw a photo where a girl got bulied by her weight and thats just wrong because woman can be whoever they want to be and thye are allowed to be themselves and there is absolutely nothing wrong with you people are just bringing you down to make themselves feel better.

I think a big stereotype is involving colors just because I am a girl does not mean my favorite color is going to be pink. A women can like any color that she wants to like, not just a color someone thinks she should like.

Sadly, there are many sexist, racist, prejudice, etc. things still out there in the world today which is very messed up and people need to learn that these ideals aren’t true.

The screenshot that I took shows a women feeding a man witch makes it look like that is the only thing that we are good for like we cant have any other jobs I know that things were a little different back then but still this is wrong. Sorry I couldn’t get the screenshot to work.

There are many sexist posters and signs like that one to say that women aren’t strong or good at anything besides cooking and cleaning which is not true at all.

I’ve heard this joke before, and it’s not that the joke itself is sexist, but people’s responses to it show the deeper sexist tendencies everyone was taught as a kid. The joke goes like this: A man and his son were in a car crash. They go to the hospital, and the man says to the doctor “please help my son”. The doctor looks at the boy and goes “that’s impossible! This is my son!” How is this possible?
Most people have to think for quite a while about the simple answer, that the doctor is the boy’s mother. But our brains automatically gloss over the mother as a candidate because traditionally, women were deterred from becoming doctors, being forced to settle for the lower nursing position. I always thought that peoples responses to this joke was really interesting.

There are so many images and signs that were written back then, when they believed that women can’t do what men can do. Women can do more than just cleaning, cooking, and raising kids.

On google, I searched, “Shoes for men” and saw all nice sneakers and tennis shoes. The color range consisted of only blue, black, and gray. Then I looked up, “Shoes for women” I saw something different. Instead of running shoes and sneakers, I saw high heels and fancy flats. There were few sneakers, but the sneakers that were there consisted of the colors, pink, purple, gray, and white. And most of them had decals on them, like a butterfly or a sunflower.

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