
Monitor Award Activity – Looking Beyond the Message to Create Your Own

Be a Spam Blocker: Read page 35. Cut out some ads that appeal to you in some way and make a collage out of them. Scan it or take a photo of it and upload it in the comments to share with the rest of us.

52 replies on “Monitor Award Activity – Looking Beyond the Message to Create Your Own”

It has things like Lego Friends, think putty, a pillow filled with mini jet puffed marshmallows ( for Girl Scouts), a Spirograph and small things that help relax you.

My collage couldn’t submit but contained:

fuzzy blanket
pretty travel ads
kraft mac & cheese
room decor
new album ads from artists i like
lip gloss
nerds gummy clusters

This is my collage. Most of the ads were for cars, food, clothes, internet and insurance. I was mostly attracted to the cars and food because that is what I like,

Most of the adds that appealed to me were good adds some of the adds I had were:

Bryers ice cream
Smothie king

I did not have any magazines in my house so I made a collage on the computer. My collage has pictures of soccer, dance and softball. It has pictures my favorite foods. I put words together to spell “think positive”, “work hard” and “dance like noone is watching”.

My collage consists mostly of places in the world I would love to visit, some including Czechoslovakia, Germany (specifically Berlin), South Africa, Egypt, etc. I also added in some quotes from my favorite songs like Chamber of refections by Mac DeMarco, Softcore by The Neighborhood, YKWIM by Yot Club, and some others.

Its not letting me upload my image it has photos of food including potatoes, ice cream, hot dogs, fruit, airhead extreme, oreos, chips ahoy, cereal, cupcakes ect. There is also a dog, musical phone ect.

the ads you have chosen are like exactly how i feel and like they are me like especially the competative one and water stickers because im a swimmer and i love water. and just the colors really appleal to me

My thing would not upload but the things that were on my collage were Goldfish and many other sweets because I have a sweet tooth. Also things that were on it was a fortnite symbol and the american flag. And finally some movies that I love like the Conjuring.

My collage consists primarily of delectable foods, adorable animals that constantly catch my eye, and action-packed movie trailers that entice me to watch.

I couldn’t upload my photo but My collage was about traveling to Germany, South Korea, and Brazil. I also had a big dog on there because I think big dogs are cute and then I also had a bunch of frozen food I fond on the internet that made me hungry, and that’s about it.

My collage is made of pictures of food from Chick-fil-a, pictures of clothes, candy/chocolate, cats/other cute animals, and swimming pictures.

My files won’t upload, but similar to char, I will describe mine. In the middle of my collage is a picture of One Direction, to the side of that is a dagger and a rose and a ship. Below is a picture of a wrist bent in the shape of Fabio, to the other side is a picture of a soccer ball and to the top is a picture of an outfit Harry styles wore.

I couldn’t find any magazines in my house that interest me so I did it on the computer my collage is mostly of what interest me like cute animals and food. I also have Beyer horses witch I always want to buy because in the ad they look so pretty.

My collage is mostly made of cute animals, volleyball pictures, horses and anything I thought was cute or interesting! I also pu tin words that were motivational.

its not letting me upload my image, so ill describe it. there is gaston in the corner, with some dogs next to him and a thing that says healthy, below this there is a pint of ice cream, some chickens and a cute outfit that Kendell Jenner wore. next to that there is my shampoo that i use, some cookies and kamala harris

My collage is a big sheet of paper covered in beautiful photos of landscapes and little words cut out from magazines. I arranged the words to say sweet little sentences, and I glued them against the other photos.

My collage is made up of positive words that I cut out of magazines and organized them into sentences. I also added pictures of things I like and that are important to me.

My collage is a positive and uplifting platform theme. It shows meaningful sayings and beautiful landscape pictures. I also cut out words I saw, such as “love” and “family.”

My collage is mainly made up of delicious food, cute animals that always draw my attention, and movie trailers that are full of actions and draw me in to watching.

The vitamins remind her to stay healthy, the phone reminds her during this time you can make a phone call or FaceTime to a loved one to make their day, and the dog food helps remind her that no matter what her dog is alway there to brighten her day, and the cereal and milk, she put on there to remind her that she is thankful foR food and water she has.

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