
Monitor Award Activity – How Ads Attract You

Take it Apart: Read pages 28 & 29 in your book and then think about the Lures of Advertising! How do ads for makeup lure you? With promises of beauty, of course. How about when an influencer says that they love a product? Take a look at the poster below. The artist made the “Lures of Advertising” into fishing lures. Clever, huh? See if you can think of a few more lures and share what they might be in the comments. Or explain which lure one of the ads you’ve seen recently is using.

58 replies on “Monitor Award Activity – How Ads Attract You”

I have seen a lot of ads that do something slightly different than the “celebrity endorsement” lure: a “friend endorsement” lure. They shoot the commercial in a vertical to make it look like a tiktok, and put words on the screen to make it sound like its just an influencer talking to her audience; for example, “have you guys gotten your *brand name* pajama set yet?” Even though the person in the ad isn’t an influencer or someone people will recognize, the familiarity in the narration will trick people subconsciously into listening to her – like a cyber version of peer pressure, almost.

I get lured to the new advertisements of things I already had before they had an add. I find it funny that they are luring people now and not back when I got it.

Some of the ads I see are for Wendy’s. The ads usually lure me in because the food looks good. Then the ad bribes you with a free gift or a coupon, but first you have to sign up for their app in order for you to get a discount. So they get your information and sell it to someone who will do the same to get your money.

Using popular/good music in the background of the ad, (fake) before and after pictures, pretty models, people I know of (celebrities) advertising products, cute aesthetics, and humor in advertisements are all “lures” to me.

One thing that lures me is when ads show fake before and afters of a product. The ads make you feel like if you use certain skincare or anti-aging products you will see a drastic difference and you will be significantly ”prettier.” This is the beauty promise because it shows fake ads to promise you beauty in the future. It makes you feel like if you don’t get this product you are not pretty.

A lot of fast food adverts use many tricks to tempt you to buy it. From the colors they use to the language they describe it the whole ad is made in a way to make you think that you want it. Using words such as juicy, tender, flavorful, and crispy along with clips of sizzling patties dripping with melting cheese make you think of how good it would be if you had one. I do not fall for this because I just picture the sad and dry McDonalds cheeseburger I had five years ago. The food is usually not as good as the commercials make it sound.

I see a lot of adds for online stores that are selling a usually expensive product for very cheap, the product is usually very cheaply made, and has bad toxins in it, or it doesn’t come at all.

Recently I have seen a lot of makeup and skin care lures. With people talking about how great this random product is and how it can make you look younger or get ride of wrinkles. They also try to make you buy it like I found this at target and you think I could just go to target and get it.

One way ads lure me is that they show a before and after and talk about how much of a positive impact on people’s lives it had. They mix having lots of people say they use it and loved it with that is made them happier or solved a problem they had. One thing I noticed though is that often you can solve their problems without the product and its and unnecessary step. Recently I’ve been seeing a lot of ads mixing and combining strategies and evolving to attract people to their product or idea.

One thing that lures us is clothing. We all like to shop at Target and we get lured to their clothes. We like the style of the clothes and we feel that we should buy it and end up spending tons of money.

I feel like clothing lures are a big attraction for me because they can make something some amazing and cute so you buy it, and you think that it will look like it does in the photo, but when you get it, it looks less attractive, and you feel disappointed. It is easy to spend more money than the Item is worth because of these lures.

One “lure” for the comercials I have been seeing recentley is appealing to
aesthetics. Advertizers make things look pretty and apealing so that people will stay and watch the commercial longer.

(Apparently my posts didn’t post at first, so here they are!) I get lured by food deals, sales, that kind of stuff. One kind of ad “category” is game ads; in the ad, the game seems so much fun and super cool; you should definitely download it!! And then you download it and it’s nothing like the ad. Honestly a little disappointed in myself for repeatedly falling for it.

(Apparently my posts didn’t post at first, so here they are!) I get lured by food deals, sales, that kind of stuff. One kind of ad “category” is game ads; in the ad, the game seems so much fun and super cool; you should definitely download it!! And then you download it and it’s nothing like the ad.

I have been “lured” by food ads like when McDonald’s or Wendy’s offer deals. (Bribery)
Ads that pop up from social media influencers make me want to buy the products or clothing they are advertising. (Get on the Bandwagon & Beautiful People)

Music and TV shows are usually the things to lure me in the most. Each thing shows me a snippet getting me interested and wanting to see more or involved.

adds lure me in with appeal saying how good and great something is like other day i went to whataburger just cus i saw an add and i probably wouldnt go otherwise

When an ad tells me that you get something for free. For example I saw an ad for McDonalds that you will get free frys with any purchase $1 on the McDonalds app.

For me the Association lure works best on me, for example a commercial for a beach resort would make me feel like if I go to that place I will have so much fun and be very happy.

The only ads I really watch all the way through are movie trailers for horror films. Mostly because I’m not normally allowed to watch horror films at home because my parents don’t like them. So, it almost feels like I’m breaking the rules when I watch them, even though it sounds silly.

Food ads and movie trailers are what lure me the most, food ads make me hungry which makes me want the product even more, and movie trailers show snip bits of the movie and make it seem interesting and exciting, so mostly get on the band wagon I guess.

I’ve been hooked by an ad that I can’t get out of my head. The ad is about the play-dough makers because they look fun to design. The ad makes me want to buy it.

The only ads that really lure me in are movie trailers. I love films and the cinematic arts in general, so most of the time I just like figuring out what the movie is going to be about and what the cast is. Other than that, I try not to pay attention to any advertisements.

My attention is generally drawn to the music.Then I notice the advertisement and realize what it is for.I’m reminded of the commercial every time I hear the music.I’m sure that’s what they’re aiming for.

I feel like a mouse a cheese on these Beauty commercials out here TvT! The fact that call it a “bare face” when they really put the same amount of makeup on as a full face. That bothers me and I want to see more “real” skin in commercials!

Ads for make up don’t really lure me, because I feel that I shouldn’t wear make up all the time and that make up won’t make me feel pretty. One of the ads that recently lured me was a clothing ad and it lured me buy showing that it was on sale and it was good quality.

I always get lured into wanting the food in an ad. I know that most of the time they make it special for the commercial and it wont actually look like that when I get it. I still really want it because it makes me so hungry. I also get lured into buying stuff I don’t need but in the commercial they make it look so coll like the ones with art they look so amazing on the commercial but when I get it the directions are like three steps and it comes out really bad.

The songs usually catch my attention. Then I see the ad and what it is for. Sometimes every time I hear that song I think of the commercial. I bet that is what they are trying to do.

One of the things that lure me are commercials that advertise new or continuing TV shows or movies. I get a feeling that I need to watch that movie or show. The previews look so good and I know that people are just trying to put out something good, so that people will watch their show but there so enticing. I always have to resist the temptation to go on Demand and try to find that show or movies release date.

One of the things that lure me are commercials that advertise new or continuing TV shows or movies. I get a feeling that I need to watch that movie or show. The previews look so good and I know that people are just trying to put out something good, so that people will watch their show but there so enticing. I always have to resist the temptation to go on Demand and try to find that show or movies release date.

I always get really roped in when they target a problem of mine. Sometimes I break out pretty bad, and when the internet figures out that I want a solution, I get all these pictures for miracle treatment and perfect, clear skin popping up everywhere. The internet uses my insecurities to market to me, and I think it’s sick.

The adds that I’m lured in by is the clothes adds. I am mostly lured in by them because I like shopping for clothes, so when I see cute tops or shoes I focus on the commercial.

Food ads always “lure” me because whenever you see food on the tv it is always edited and added to to make it look even more delicious and I can’t help myself but look and also I find the flooring commercial with the catchy slogan song and whenever I hear it I always look at the tv.

Food lures me to! I always get so caught in how the food looks :like in ads and different commercials. Sometimes I have to walk out of the room when commercial about food comes on.

I get lured in the Lemu emu commercials and Breyer ads. Breyer(plastic horses) ads lure me because they have a pretty horse picture edited on to a colorful pretty background and it makes me want to buy it even if its a boring hose. The lemu emu commercials lure e because they are all different and are really entertaining so when ever I hear the word Emu I think of the Lemu emu ads.

I’ve been “lured” by companies or brands before by online shopping. For example, the online company posts a picture of the singular shirt they are trying to sell. The shirt is often bland and unattractive on it’s own, but in the picture they make it look better by pairing it with attractive and cute shorts and shoes. They surround the shirt with other clothing items that draw your attention and make the product look cuter and more attractive than it is.

Something that lure me in an ad is when an ad makes a product look like it is going to work really well. Shampoo ads are a lure for me because they make it look like if you use their product your hair will be perfectly silky, smooth, and shiny.

Humor is a terrific lure! We all love to laugh with a commercial. I think the opposite is true too, I love those “tear jerker” commercials from Hallmark Cards or the ones where the soldier comes home in time for coffee. LOL. They always bring tears to my eyes.

Adds don’t really lure me because i think about what I really need and what I want not really the ohh that looks cool i want it type things . But the good adds do. Like with pretty aesthetics and good quality adds especialy get me because the pu thought into it.

G zero, the add makes sure to say that there is no sugar and that you still get the electrolytes that you need. showing people exercising so you see that you get more energy.

adds lure me because when they tell them like in a commercial they make them sound really cool. it is like you need to have this in your life because it ti so amazing

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