
Monitor Award Activity – Ask Your Friends

Community Media Survey: Read pages 72 &73 and then create a survey to give to your  friends, family, teachers, neighbors etc. A community survey can bring to light people’s experiences with media and their opinions about it. A survey can show what they think about media, what they think should be changed or improved about it, and what they think is missing from it. The information you gather in this survey will be useful for choosing exactly what you want to do for your Media Remake project when you earn the Influence Award. You can create your survey with google forms: or just write it out by hand.

Brainstorm 5 questions focused on *needs the community may have that are currently unmet by media *issues in the community that media may contribute to *aspects of media the community and you may want to see changed.

Add your 5 questions to your survey and pass your survey out to several people in your family, girl scout troop or your neighborhood or school.

Summarize your findings in the comments. What did you learn? What ideas could you use in your remake project?

43 replies on “Monitor Award Activity – Ask Your Friends”

Some of the responses I got was that people want more facts in the media. They want to see more facts in news reports and stories. They want more appropriate ads for the viewing age group. 64% of the people polled thought that the ads they see were annoying. The responses I received in my survey were not at all surprising because I am also annoyed with ads and wish to see more facts presented.

My questions were:
Question 1 What are your experiences with media ?
Question 2 What do you think should be changed or improved about the media ?
Question 3 What do you think is missing from the media?
Question 4 Do you think tv shows or movies don’t display female characters very well ?
Question 5 When you see ads tv do they enlighten you or do they annoy you ?

*Questions are listed with their most common answers underneath them.

Why is media important?
Stay connected over distance, provide social networks (teens), share important information, and share ideas in influence.

What media do you use the most?
TikTok, Streaming, Music, and Texting.

How much time per day do you spend on media?
2 – 5 hours.

What issues does media cause/contribute to?
Cyberbullying, mental health issues, distraction/short attention spans, and screen addictions.

What should we change about media?
Make it more inclusive, decrease toxicity, regulate comments, and how easy it is to cyber bully people and get away with it.

1. Why is media important? It gives information that helps us form opinions. and entertains us.
2. How does media affect the youth? Kids are more susceptible and may believe everything they see. They can be very gullible.
3. How can media have a negative effect? Media can lead to false information, cyber-bullying, and unrealistic standards
4. How long do you spend on media? 3.5 hours a day
5. What media do you use the most? Instagram, TikTok

I learned that people in my community all have similar ideas and views on media. They all see good and bad in media and believe that media can have negative effects on the community.

Why do you think media is important? interest, and meet new people
Do you think we should have more or less media in are community?
What issues do you think the media contributes to?
How much time do you spend on the media?
What do you think we should change about media?
Lots of people can find common interest in the community, a lot of people think we need less media in the community, another thing people have an issue with the media is false information and causing anxiety.

1 Why do you think media is important?
2 do you think we should have more or less media in the community?
3 What issues do you think the media contributes to?
4 how much time do you spend on the media?
5 what do you think we should change about media?

Lots of people can find common interest and new friends on the media. Most people think we should have less media in our community.

My questions were…
How does media affect your life positively?
How does media affect your life negatively?
How does media influence your life?
How does media influence your community?
How often are you comparing yourself to what you see in media?
How often do you think about the things you’ve seen in media?

Media allows people to be more independent and allows them to be entertained.
People are more exposed to negative events which often brings down their moods. You also have unlimited access to everything which can mean the discovery of negative things.
People were influenced to buy certain products, sadness when removed from the access to media, and using it daily to do more positive things.
It makes the community more isolated and you have to be very careful about what you expose your children to and what you allow them to discover. On the other hand it can bring communities together with the advertising of events.
Most people occasionally compared themselves to what they see in media.
Most people thought about what they saw in the media infrequently or often depending on the message.

Link to the survey:

– How often do you find yourself thinking about what you saw in the media (magazines, internet, newspapers, etc.)?
– Do you think that the media has a negative or positive impact on children?
– How often do you personally compare yourself to what/who you see in the media?
– Do you agree that the media can be very influencial and danergous?
– How important is it to you to have people educated about the media and its influences/affects?

Majority of people think about what they see in the media frequently.
Most people think that the media can be positive and negative towards children.
Majority of people compare themselves to who/what they see in the media very frequetly.
Most people strongly agree that the media can be very influencial and dangerous
Majority of people think that it is important to have others educated about the influences of the media.

Link to form:

Media misrepresents, and misinterpret a majority of serious issues.

My questions were:
1. What media do you think contributes to the most insecurity?
2. What media distorts the truth the most and leads to misinformation?
3.What media fans the flames of controversy?
4. What media pushes their own agenda and not important news?
5. What media tries to find conspiracy theories in everything?

My questions were:
1: How do you think the media affects youth?
2: What are some media stereotypes that you’ve seen?
3: How does the media affect your day-to-day activities?
4: What do you think is the most harmful stereotype?
5: What is one way the media has affected you?

The questions I wrote on my survey were:
1. Do you think media has a lot of stereotypes?
2. Do you think media has a positive or negative impact on society?
3. Do you rely on watching media for news?
4. Do you feel the ads shown on media represent our community?
5. Which type of media do you use the most?

My friends use social media to keep in touch with each other (positive effect) and also can see where others are/what they are doing ( could be negative). They mostly use tik tok and snap chat.

My family said media does still show stereotypes. They use news feeds and news channels to find out the latest news/what is going on. They said some news stations report in a more alarming & negative way than needs to be.

The ads shown mostly represent our community.

Most of my results were about false stereotyping, fake photos, and sexist things. I’ve learned the media has many problems that i was unaware of.

1) Should Sugar Land have a weekly newspaper?
2) Do you pay attention to PSAs about our media in present days?
3) Does the Sugar Land official Facebook page keep you updated with the local community media?
4)If not, what are some things that they could do to keep you updated?
5) Do you think Tik Tok influence Sugar Land leaders with decision making?

My main question was ” Do you feel like your interests are displayed enough in your community?” Most people said yes but some said no. I think this says that my community does a good job at keeping everyone’s interests included. But some of my friends and family answered No so they don’t feel like they are being included in their community.

after they survey i found out that people (mostly women) felt underrepresented in the media and due to this they felt the need to participate in the community to set a positive example and impression.

My question was around the lines of, “What social media app do you use most frequently?”
5 people said Facebook,
8 said Tiktok,
3 said Instagram,
7 said Snapchat,
& 2 said Reddit/Tumblr.

These were my five questions:
What media do you use?
Do you think there are stereo types in media?
Do you think media has a negative effect on society?
Does media consume your life?
Do you think life would be simpler without media?
The results were surprising. Most people used Tik Tok and Instagram and they felt that there were stereo types on those platform and they also felt that it had a negative effect on society. They also felt that like would be simpler without these platforms. I found it interesting that even though the majority felt this way they continue to use media on a daily basis.

My question was “What app or website do you use most on your electronics?” I asked my family and they said “The New York Times” “the news” “YouTube” and “Netflix”.

my survey was almost predictable for what they do for social media. it was tic tok and Instagram. I guess since everyone has a phone and its an entertainment site people are on it the most and because they are bored.

The people I asked said they use social media as a way to keep up with what’s going on in the world and with their friends especially now due to corona. They also said that they use it to entertain themselves and to keep in contact with people

My question was what Media do you check most on your phone and have you ever seen any stereotypic comments? No surprise whet they said they checked tic tok the most, but what surprised me was they said yes they do see stereotypic comments.

We did a survey and learned that people use their phone the most. mainly because of the convenience of having access to everything. Most people also said that the ads they see don’t represent the items being sold and they don’t include all types of people.

I asked why do you use social media? my friends said they do it because they are bored and they wanna talk about One Direction. They didn’t really say anything deep.

i made a survey asking what people’s experience with social media was and one person wrote that they think that social media can be a good way to interact with friends and i agree with that.

I posed the question, Does the media ever make you feel as if your value is worth less? If so, what made you feel that way and why? One person said this:” Yes, as a black female, we are unrepresented in many ways in the media and made to appear to be easily dispensable”. That really spoke to me because that is how the media views the Black women. They also do view women as people who are less than men and they can’t have jobs like them or have as many opportunities as men do.

I created an online survey asking a few questions about how media affects different people in different ways. For example, a question was, “Has media ever inspired you to do something or try something new?” and they had the opportunity to answer yes and no and explain certain things they’ve experienced from the media. The recorded answers were both different and similar and it was interesting to see how my friends and family felt about the experiences they’ve had online.

My questions centered around how social media made people around me feel. A lot of the people I asked said that social media often made them feel left out or like they didn’t have enough, even though they knew those things were not true. A lot of people said it was more addicting because every time they realized they had a trendy item or went to the right party, they felt good about themselves.

i learned that the people who took the the survey all had similar ideas about media, such as: most people go on the media for long times, and that they find ads to be a waste of time.

I found that it is about half and half of people who actually like ads and who don’t like ads and that people buy foods because of ads, and people don’t like the State Farm ads and that people think that they don’t like that the people saying the ads kind of dumb it down because they think that they think that they are actually really dumb so that is one of the many reasons why people hate ads.

In my findings for my questions I found that it is half and half for people who are and are not working. It is also about equal for resources if we have enough. One thing I could do to act on this is send a letter to the Governor and telling her we need to shut down the state and give her many reasons why.

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