
Cultivate Award – Make a Commitment

Zeroing in  on your Cultivate Commitment – Read pages 90-91. Cultivate better use of media in your own life. There are plenty of ways to do it! Which will you choose?

  • You can commit to saying no to TV stereotypes and shutting off the TV whenever they appear.
  • You can keep making media yourself that reflects your values.
  • You can keep talking back to media makers about what matters to you.

The challenge and choice is up to you. What has inspired you most along this journey? What opened your eyes, surprised you, made you mad, or made you think and made you want to create?

Once you’ve decided, share your commitment in the comments.

Write: I commit to ___________________________________________ and post it in the comments.  Keep in mind that as you Cultivate you will be inspiring others to follow in your footsteps and make changes in their use of media too. Congratulations! You have completed the MEdia journey!

Please email Debbie Lechner ( Let me know you’ve finished the journey and your full name so I can send you a certificate of completion.

43 replies on “Cultivate Award – Make a Commitment”

I commit to not comparing myself to anyone who appears in the media and reminding myself that everyone is beautiful and that beauty is not everything.

I commit to being nicer to people because I never know what is going on in others peoples life it makes me mad how rude other people can be, even with other people just asking a simple question.

I will not follow beauty standards. I have been inspired to stand up for others when facing beauty standards. it makes me mad at her so many beauty standards around the world, and I think that we should make less of them.

I commit to helping my friends saying no to social media when that need it because I k ow it’s hard for them sometimes and I want to help them.

I commit to helping my friends when they need my help and being there in someway if they need something big or something as little as just someone to talk to

I commit to stay positive about myself, and know that stereotypes don’t represent me. I also commit to not watching anything that puts girls down

I commit to saying no to TV stereotypes and turning off the TV when I see them. I also commit to being careful with the things that I hear and see on the Internet and TV so that I won’t be fooled easily.

I commit to not believing or trusting all things on the internet. A lot of things are fake and untrue and sometime its hard to be able to tell if its true or not.

I commit to ignoring all the bad media out there and shutting it down and turning it off, also to stay off of the internet and spend more time outside.

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