

Refer to Chapter 5 “Dreaming for Me” of the Live It! side of the book and the award steps in the Give It! side.
This is the time to put your plan into motion to make your “adopted dream” a reality!

1. After you’ve followed your plan, it’s time to celebrate! You might need to get creative once more, but it’s really important to share with others what you learned about how leaders help others achieve their dreams. Consider the things you discovered during this journey, reflect on how you connected to your community, and why it’s important to take action on dreams. How did this experience improve your leadership skills?

2. Please email Debbie Lechner ( Let me know you’ve finished the journey and your full name so I can send you a certificate of completion.

10 replies on “BLISS Bash”

I really enjoyed completing this journey; reading the book and filling out the pages was a great experience for me! Some things that I learned throughout this journey were that no dream is too small or too large, some dreams can take longer than you expected, you can always go back to a dream that you had in the past, and that having people to support you while you achieve your goals is important! This journey allowed me to get closer to individuals around my community, as well as get even closer to my family, by having personal conversations and telling each other about our life stories. I was able to improve my leadership skills during various assignments because I chose what I wanted to accomplish and then accomplished it myself, rather than have someone tell me what to do. Overall, I really liked the topics and the stories in the book; the book inspired me to continue to pursue my goals and to convince others to follow their dreams as well!

I enjoyed working through the activities for this journey. I was able to communicate with people about their dreams and what inspired them. This journey allowed me to tap in to my values and better understand what is important to me.

I really loved doing this journey! I feel like it prepared me for my Gold Award by helping me reflect in on myself and my experiences, but also the experiences, wants, and needs of my community. It also allowed me to get some time away from screens, as I intentionally completed the assignments offline before typing them all up today, so it felt like a break from daily life and it was really enjoyable.

This journey was very enjoyable! It helped me focus on myself and take time out of my life to think about what I want to do with my life and what I want to accomplish. Listening to other people’s dreams also helped me think of my own. I learned a lot in throughout this journey and I am very glad I did it!

This journey is at the right time in my life. I am 16 years old and preparing myself for life after high school. I’m excited and happy to be surrounded by others in the same situation – dreaming about what is next! The Bliss book is inspirational and gave me some ideas I didn’t already have. I enjoyed this journey!

It was super fun going through this journey! I feel like I learned a lot about how I perceive not just myself but others, no one is completely consistent and everyone has a story. I’m happy I was able to do this!

It was uplifting and enjoyable to go on this journey with everyone. Sharing our stories is encouraging to know that we can make our world a better place for everyone. Having hope and dreams helps us to live and thrive to become a reality. I am so proud of everyone who took this journey. I know that we are better people through this experience.

I enjoyed working on this Journey! I realized people do enjoy talking about their hopes and dreams – people of all ages. I enjoyed my time speaking with the younger scouts in my troop. I love their way of thinking and how the dreams of younger girls are about their future selves, where people my age or more directed toward the next 4 to 5 years as we prepare for college, to my mom’s dream of retirement. It’s an uplifting conversation to have to anyone. Thank you for the opportunity to complete this journey.

I am so happy that we all made it here so far and I think for a bliss bash we should all share our projects and give feedback on how we created them and what the process was like for us! Im so glad we all get to move onto the next phase of our girl scout journey!

For the Bliss Bash I think it would be really fun to share what we did with everyone and celebrate all of our accomplishements together. I am so proud of everyone who has completed this journey and award!

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