Sow What

Week 1 & 2 – Food Forage Field Trip!

In week 1 we’re going to map your pantry and in week 2 we’ll take a trip to the market to discover some things about our food supply. One part is to check your pantry and to see where 4 of the items have come from, then plug those into the  “carbon footprint calculator” […]

Sow What

Week 3 – Eat Local

In this troop meeting we’re going to try one of the recipes in Sow What, take a photo of it and let us know in a comment if you liked the dish.  Try to purchase one of the ingredients from a farmer’s market or local produce stand. While you’re there think of a menu that […]

Sow What

Week 4 – You Are What You Eat

This week we’re going to think about some of the local foods in our area and discuss the food traditions in our families, communities and religion. We’re also going to talk about our relationships with food. Choose one area to write about and then comment on things that have been written in three other areas. […]

Sow What

Week 5 – Movie Night/Understanding the Problems

This week we’re really going to dive into the meat of the subject by watching one of the great documentaries about food and discussing what we learn. You can request one of these movies through Netflix, YouTube, Hulu, Amazon or the library. Tell us what you watched and if you liked it on the discussion […]

Sow What

Week 6 – Connect with Community

This week in our virtual meeting we’re going to read about people who are making a difference around the country and around the world, then we’re going to find someone in the local community who is at work to find solutions to the problems in our food network. Take a field trip to visit a […]

Sow What

Week 7 – Take Action Harvest Award

This week we’re going to identify and begin work on a take action project to earn the Harvest Award. Your project may take more than one week and that’s OK. When you finish your project you will report on what you’ve done in the comments and that will be the end of your Sow What […]


Welcome to Our Virtual Troop!

On this journey, Girl Scout Ambassadors learn to dream big, for themselves and others. They see exactly what it takes to plan for and move toward dreams. As girls dream for themselves and others, they feel the bliss and gain confidence. Imagine how far an Ambassador can go and how much she can do–for herself […]


Session 1: Dreaming Along the Road to Bliss

You will explore dreams and how they can shape a life story. You state your wildest dreams and then discuss needs, dreams, and various types of dreams. You will also take time to plan your journey. 2. Take some time to write down some ofyour greatest, wildest, or mostoutlandish dreams! If you have otherAmbassador friends, […]


Session 2: More Women, More Dreams

You will gain a greater understanding of the diversity of dreams and dreamers. We will discuss dreams with guests dreamers, and team up on an art project. We will also start to select women to interview on our way toward the Dream Maker Award. The support we receive for our dreams is sometimes the determining […]


Session 3: Walking the Line

You will explore the role your core values play in your lives and dreams. You also explore double standards, and values and standards in media. 2. Write down a list of values, ask your friends or household members for ideas as well. Some examples: Equality, Discipline, Integrity, Honesty, Responsibility, among many others. Pick two at […]