Highest Awards Adult Workshop
If you have Cadette, Senior or Ambassador girls, one of the hardest things you’ll do is to help them figure out what to do for a Silver or Gold Award. They have offered classes for the girls for awhile but wanted to keep adults out of the classes so that they could encourage the girls to make their own decisions and to develop leadership. What I’ve found, as an older girl leader, is that the girls come back frustrated from the training, not quite understanding what was said, realizing that the idea for the project isn’t quite right and since I wasn’t there I have no way of explaining things and helping them figure out a new way to go. My daughter came back from her last meeting with the gold award committee saying that they said that her project was a good service project…she thought that was a good thing and I had to explain that it wasn’t, for a gold award project the key word is leadership not service. Anyway, I’m thrilled to see that there is finally a workshop for adults to help us understand what they’re looking for in a Gold and Silver Award project. I’ll see you there!!
Training: Highest Awards Adult Workshop
Date/Time: Monday, July 11 – 6:30pm to 8:30pm
Fee: $5 (Adult)
Deadline: Tuesday, July 05