August 20 Service Unit Meeting

Hi Leaders,

We have a meeting this week at the Elk Lodge, Chula Vista, 7pm.   We are also having our swap meet at the back tables during our meeting!  Start cleaning out the old stuff and pass it on to another troop. Reuse, Recycle, Repurpose!

There are two events in September looking for volunteers. If your troop is looking to give back to the community check out these events:

  • Saturday, Sept 19: Coastal Clean Up, for more information and to register go to
  • Saturday, Sept 26: Coastal Habitat Restoration, for more information and to RSVP go to and search “coastal habitat restoration.”

If your troop was heading up one or both of these events, please let me know. I will give your troop recognition in the Aug. SU Meeting Agenda, and your troop can have a chance to make an announcement at the meeting.

The Managers