Cinderella CYT Group Ticket Info
At the service unit meeting, Heidi told us that there is a special deal for Girl Scouts to see the CYT production of Cinderella at Mater Dei if they have a group of 30. Most of us don’t have troops that big, so I’ve posted a “sign up sheet” in our Google Docs. This sheet is to help you find another leader or two to join you to buy tickets at the 50% off rate of $6 each and then to get the special “behind the scenes” tour to see the cast and makeup room and the scenery. You’ll have to pick a date by using the tabs at the bottom of the sheet, sign up and then check back to see if you’ve got 30 people signed up yet. When you do, contact the other leader and figure out how you’re going to buy the tickets and meet up at the theater.
THE SIGN UP SHEET DOESN’T MEAN THAT YOU HAVE TICKETS! You still have to buy the tickets on the CYT website: The deal is that if you buy 30 tickets then you get the $6 each price. Klea is Heidi’s friend and she’s willing to answer questions about the production: 254-4332.
I’m not sure how this is going to work and I hope people sign up quickly so that you still have an opportunity to buy tickets on that date! Good luck!